Evidence-Based and Informed Programs

The Benjamin Rose Institute on Aging specializes in developing, testing, implementing and training others to deliver evidence-based programs.

51,000 users have visited the Best Programs for Caregiving website for a total of 227,000 pageviews since its launch in 2020.

4,500+ family caregivers and older adults receive physical, emotional and behavioral support from our BRI Care Consultation™ program each year.

Around 12 educational webinars are developed and presented per year to disseminate timely information about emerging topics impacting the aging field.

Positive Outcomes Proven by Research

Benjamin Rose Institute on Aging conducts state-of-the-art research to develop and deliver innovative, high-quality solutions to advance support for older adults and caregivers and to deepen the understanding of their evolving needs in a changing society.

A major part of the Institute’s portfolio of research focuses on translating our research into evidence-based programs, which are interventions or programs developed, tested and proven by research to achieve beneficial outcomes for participants. These programs are then delivered by social service, government and community-based organizations across the country to make meaningful differences in the lives of older adults and the family members and friends who care for them.

See how our resources can help.

After decades of extensive research, we have developed these life-changing programs.

“BRI Care Consultation” and “SHARE for Dementia” [and design] are service marks of the Benjamin Rose Institute on Aging

Interested in implementing our programs?
Reach out today.

We’d love to discuss how our programs can make a positive impact—both for you and for aging adults in your life.
